Tuesday 18 December 2012

.......Why should this girl hide her face on camera…when the media interviews her...this girl who just got raped in the very busy capital city of the country…rather the crime capital of the country, wearing good covered clothes, travelling with somebody and not alone, in a public transport…not giving any signals or “invitation” to any of these “men” who raped her, basically avoiding all the lame reasons which have been given for such cases before.
Why is she to suffer all her life?? Yes, she might have to suffer (I wish all the courage to her) as the society we live in, does not, sadly, let her come out of it… (and yes, it’s a challenge!!)
Now, let’s try to understand the whole scenario, as to what is the whole idea and reason behind a rape. Well, many of us would say that the system is not that strong that it could protect its women..or some others would blame the law and order, or may be the police force. I agree, but not completely. These are not the real reasons for rapes.  The political system might be responsible for not being able to punish or formulate strict laws against such anti-social elements; the police might be lazy or simply under political pressure for not being able to catch hold of these people, but the political parties or the police force, do not “CAUSE” rapes. You know what does..???  The “SOCIETY” we live in. oh yes, very much! How many times have you heard your parents tell you, or your sisters to be careful of these people, or not to wear any short skirts? Anything above the knees might attract these eyes….or like me, you are not allowed to be out after dark, unless of some very important (mostly academic) reasons. Well, I don’t think people with such eyes will even have the courage to look any higher (umm..they might if there is a low neck line competing with the short skirts) but, how many times have you heard your parents or elders telling the boys in the family not to look at girls with such an intention, or not to tease any girl they come across, simple ideas of giving respect to women.
A rapist is not always somebody who is sexually unsatisfied, or somebody who was so attracted to that particular pretty girl that he couldn't resist his drives. Because if this was the scene, god bless aishwarya rai..and Katrina kaif!! Rape, in a deeper understanding is a way of proving that the man is superior and physically more powerful and can even use his own body as weapons if he wished to. And thus, to people who blame girls for inviting rapes by dressing up in such ways….it has nothing to do with what a girl wears, what she looks like, or where she is!! She is in no way responsible for her assault. If a man, who belongs to this society we live in presently, wishes to do that to a girl, he can do it.
Look back when you were kids…there were a series of practices or..ways of conduct which were taught to you , and it differed for a girl and a boy. Take for instance, the toys we are given to play with. Being a girl, it was thought that making me play with dolls and dressing me up in pink would be appropriate. Where, my brother was given toy guns and super heroes to play with. Why?? As in, why is it taken that a boy should be manly and would grow up into this…this man with a strong masculine body whereas the girl must be delicate, and graceful. What if I choose to build up myself in such a way that if somebody attacked me, I’d be able to protect myself? It’s not generally thought of as an option.
Now how do these people become such savages?? How are rapists born?
We all know, no child takes birth with the tag of being and becoming one in the future. There must be factors which construct such a mentality. Well.. there are a number of them. The training that these men get all through their growing age, that its okay to look and tease a girl…it’s the girl’s fault if she is raped, and if she wants to avoid all this, she’d better be all covered. Its okay to take a No as a yes…as the girl might be just shy to say yes to sex. How hard is this two letter word to be understood? A no means a NO!!
All this, in fact is taken to be making them “man enough”. Really?? I mean, the whole idea of being a man is if you are able to supress women?? Is it?
I thought it was by the sex organ you are born with which decides if you will be a man or a woman. ’coz if raping a woman makes you a man, then there would have been no mahatma Gandhi in this nation.  A girl wearing a short skirt (as they put it) is all it takes to get these high nosed much proud men to become savages who would go to any limits. And this is India we are talking about, where, the mythology has millions of goddesses, worshiped by the very same men who can’t even respect their own sisters. What pity, I feel more of a man than these men (atleast I am human)
I am not talking statistics, or…philosophy. I am enraged by this incidence.. I am a girl. How do I now trust anybody around? How do I step out? How do I feel safe in my own country? No system and I mean no system at all…no matter how advanced it is…and no political system no matter how stable it is ..can assure that this will not be repeated. Unless the society changes. Unless the mothers teach their sons, that women are no toys they could play with…unless fathers take equal interest in raising up the child and teach them that it is inhuman to do such an act, and unless these men understand that women also come under the specie of humans. They command respect just as men do. The least a woman could ask for is her rights on her own body. The law will take its own measures and do what they have to with these rapists but..let’s have a plan for the future. Since we cannot really change the mentality of the population already grown into a part of this society, we still have the generations to come. Why don’t we as witnesses of such incidences work towards raising a better mentality. Teaching the younger ones humanity, and not raising patriarchal sons. As the society we live in, the one which is responsible for this, lives under the venomous patriarchal setting. Let’s have equality, in mind, in eyes and in our thoughts.
for the men who are reading this, it’s not a request..but we are equals. Those of you who agree… hi5!! Those who don’t..may you have lovely pretty daughters. You will then agree.
i sigh....in hope of a safer world for the other 50% population!!